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Annual Stakeholders Review Meeting at Mbeya Usungilo Hotel

On 14th September 2022, Mwanamke Imara project organized Annual Stakeholders Review Meeting to discuss the implementation of year two of Mwanamke Imara project and comments on the successes, challenges and lessons learnt that would inform the planing of activities implementation in year three. Stakeholders from project areas include Community Development Officers, Paralegals, Role Models, Male Champions, representatives of Women and Youth Economic Groups, Solicitors, Media representatives and Religions Leaders. During the session, stakeholders acknowledged that Mwanamke Imara project has impacted the livelihood of the people within project areas in terms of addressing Gender Based Violence, enabling women and youth to participate into leadership and governance structures, economic empowerment of women and youth as well as improved access to justice through provision of legal aid services. Mwanamke Imara Implementers will take into consideration all the comments received during the session to improve implementation of activities in year three. The session was held at Usungilo hotel in Mbeya.