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Tanzania Network of Legal Aid Providers

Get to know us!

(TANLAP) is an umbrella national network working in legal sector. It is a membership network comprising Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community–Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) and other institutions providing legal aid in Tanzania. Founded in 2006, TANLAP’s core aim is to work and link up with other Civil Society Organizations provide quality legal aid and advocate for access to justice among the poor and marginalized sections of society in Tanzania. TANLAP is registered under the NGO Act, 2002 and granted a certificate No. 00NGO/R1/00990 (previously certificate of compliance No. 1300). TANLAP membership is open to any organization/institution providing legal aid services in Tanzania and to any Network Organization whose members provide legal aid services in Tanzania. TANLAP members operate in all regions of Tanzania Mainland.

TANLAP’s conception dates back from December 2006, where at Peacock Hotel in Dar es Salaam, more than 12 Legal Aid Providing Organizations meeting for a workshop on Improving the Rule of Law and Access to Justice in Tanzania, (organized by Women in Law and Development in Africa, [WiLDAF] and funded by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) through USAID Tanzania), unanimously decided to unite their efforts on providing legal aid by forming a National Network of Legal Aid Service Providers

TANLAP was established following realization of the need to have an active and independent network of legal aid providers to build the capacity of legal aid providers, to harmonize legal aid services and ethical conducts of legal aid providers and to have a collective forum for participation in policies and law reforms.

The founding members of the Network comprised the following: The Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT); the Disabled Organization for Legal Affairs and Social Economic Development (DOLASED); Lawyers Environmental Action Tanzania (LEAT); Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC); Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA); Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF); Women’s Legal Aid Centre (WLAC); and the National Organization for Legal Assistance (NOLA).

Our Core values

What we believe in.

Justice for all

Local communities and poor people have potential to contribute to and to demand good Access to Justice. Local communities, even the poorest


Partnership with local communities, through their networks, and other local, national and international actors on legal and human rights mat

Integrity (respect and honesty)

Integrity (respect and honesty) at all times. TANLAP secretariat and all members are expected to undertake diverse initiatives in enhancing

Transparency and accountability

Transparency and accountability in our engagement with education policy and practice issues. TANLAP Secretariat and all members will underta

Our Blog

Latest news & articles directly from us


TANLAP participated in a stakeholders' convening on Advancing Women's Leadership and Political Participation at the UN Women Tanzania office. The convening aims to discuss a common agenda for women's participation in the 2025 general electi.. View post


TANLAP is participating in the NGOs stakeholders consultation workshop organized by the National Council of NGOs (NACONGO). The workshop objective is to collect stakeholders views on the improvements of the NACONGO operational regulations (2016). The workshop is tak.. View post

TANLAP participated in a meeting with the UN Secretary-General and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)

On March 11, 2025, TANLAP is participating in a meeting with the UN Secretary-General and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on the sidelines of the 69th session of the Commission on the Stat.. View post


On March 10, 2025, TANLAP participated in the opening ceremony of CSW69 at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA. The event brought together delegates from various countries, along with representatives from delegates from governments, diplomats, b.. View post


TANLAP participated in the Women's Conference for the Dar es Salaam Region. The conference had the theme: "Women and Girls 2025: Strengthening Rights, Equality, and Empowerment." The objective of the conference was to celebrate women's achieveme.. View post


TANLAP sincerely appreciates the courtesy visit from NACONGO leadership, led by Council Chairperson Mr. Gasper Makala, accompanied by Council Secretary Mr. Adamson Nsimba Our discussions focused on the vital contributions of the NGO sector in achieving the country&rsqu.. View post