+255 746 237 265


Tanzania Network of Legal Aid Providers

Get to know us!

(TANLAP) is an umbrella national network working in legal sector. It is a membership network comprising Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community–Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs) and other institutions providing legal aid in Tanzania. Founded in 2006, TANLAP’s core aim is to work and link up with other Civil Society Organizations provide quality legal aid and advocate for access to justice among the poor and marginalized sections of society in Tanzania. TANLAP is registered under the NGO Act, 2002 and granted a certificate No. 00NGO/R1/00990 (previously certificate of compliance No. 1300). TANLAP membership is open to any organization/institution providing legal aid services in Tanzania and to any Network Organization whose members provide legal aid services in Tanzania. TANLAP members operate in all regions of Tanzania Mainland.

TANLAP’s conception dates back from December 2006, where at Peacock Hotel in Dar es Salaam, more than 12 Legal Aid Providing Organizations meeting for a workshop on Improving the Rule of Law and Access to Justice in Tanzania, (organized by Women in Law and Development in Africa, [WiLDAF] and funded by the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) through USAID Tanzania), unanimously decided to unite their efforts on providing legal aid by forming a National Network of Legal Aid Service Providers

TANLAP was established following realization of the need to have an active and independent network of legal aid providers to build the capacity of legal aid providers, to harmonize legal aid services and ethical conducts of legal aid providers and to have a collective forum for participation in policies and law reforms.

The founding members of the Network comprised the following: The Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT); the Disabled Organization for Legal Affairs and Social Economic Development (DOLASED); Lawyers Environmental Action Tanzania (LEAT); Legal and Human Rights Centre (LHRC); Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA); Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF); Women’s Legal Aid Centre (WLAC); and the National Organization for Legal Assistance (NOLA).

Our main objectives

To strengthen the capacity building on legal literacy among legal aid providers.
To extend and improve legal aid provision in the country.
To initiate, promote, support as may be deemed expedient, any proposed legislation or other measure affecting the interests of its members.
To build mutual understanding and coordination amongst legal aid providers and legal aid clients in the country.

Vision and mission


TANLAP envisions a society with access to justice whereby people are able or enabled to seek and obtain a remedy through formal or informal institutions of fair and proper administration of laws for grievances in compliance with human rights standards.


TANLAP intends to build the capacity of legal aid providers in Tanzania\; provide proper and improve the coordination and harmonization of the legal aid providers\; and strengthen its own organizational development and sustainability.

Our core values

Justice for all

Local communities and poor people have potential to contribute to and to demand good Access to Justice. Local communities, even the poorest of the poor, have indigenous knowledge and creative ideas on how to improve their conditions of life by taking part in toward realization of timely justice for all.


Partnership with local communities, through their networks, and other local, national and international actors on legal and human rights matters. Effective collaboration between different actors, both governmental and non-governmental, will create positive changes in legal and human rights landscape at local, national and international levels

Integrity (respect and honesty)

Integrity (respect and honesty) at all times. TANLAP secretariat and all members are expected to undertake diverse initiatives in enhancing access to timely justice with highest levels of integrity. They will not corruptly solicit or accept any gift or consideration as an inducement or reward for doing or refraining from doing anything in their official capacity or showing favour or disfavour to any person in that capacity.

Transparency and accountability

Transparency and accountability in our engagement with education policy and practice issues. TANLAP Secretariat and all members will undertake the work of promoting legal and human rights with transparency and strong sense of accountability at all times. The network will be transparent and accountable to all key stakeholders in conduct our business.

Leadership and constancy of purpose

Leadership and constancy of purpose. TANLAP will always ensure that its core functions are kept into focus. At all time,the network will be guided by a strategic plan and work plans that will be reviewed from time to time. The Network will strive to provide strategic leadership and coordination to sustain the network and make a difference toward realization of timely justice for all.


Board of directors

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Dr. Anna Aloys Henga -
Board Chairperson
Lawyer/Ph.D. Executive Director \-LHRC
Adv. Novath Rukwago - M
Board Member
Lawyer/Advocate-Legal Aid UDSM
Adv. Daniel Naftal Lema -
Board Member
LL.M, HR/LL.B/Advocate/Chief of Party\-Freedom House
Adv. Utti Mwang'amba - F
Board Member
Lawyer/Advocate/Executive Director\-CWCA
Adv. Genoveva Kato - M
Board Member
Lawyer/Advocate/Executive Director-Dynamic Women for Productive Initiative
Peter Letema CPA(T) -
Board Member
Manager-Support Services, Admin and Finance Department Haki Elimu Tanzania
Dr. Rose Reuben -
Board Member
Lawyer/PhD/Executive Director\-TAMWA
Ms. Christina Kamili - F
Board Secretary
Lawyer/Executive Director\-TANLAP. Masters in Leadership & Governance.